Thursday, January 22, 2015

WWII Propaganda Posters

As you can imagine, it was very hard for Roosevelt to convince the entire American people, especially after strong isolationist sentiment, to rally for a war. As we have seen before, probably in previous history classes, there are several American Propaganda posters (such as Rosie the Riveter) that helped gain the support of the people to back the war. Though we have exposure to many propaganda posters from the US, have you ever wondered what they looked like in Hitler's Germany? Or Mussolini's Fascist Italy? For those of you interested in these posters, here's a compilation of Propaganda Posters from several countries involved in the war efforts.

**Sorry if there are any inaccuracies on this post. Since I can't fluently read all the languages that are on these posters, I only have google translate to help me. :) These are posters that I'm trying to get from the most accurate sites as possible!





1 comment:

  1. Great post Christina! II had seen the "Loose Lips Sink Ships" poster before and was curious as to what other propaganda from World War II is still well known today. Many propaganda songs were preformed by well known artists that are still know today. For example, one of the many "World War II jams" from the D-Day documentary was sung by Bing Crosby ("Don't Fence Me In"). Also, another popular song from then was "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy". I remember having to learn that song in my elementary school choir class we were all required to take. Interesting to see that war propaganda from 70 years ago can still be found in our culture today.
