Friday, December 12, 2014

Procrastination is when people decide to carry out less important tasks instead of more important ones, doing things they like over things they don't like, and resulting in putting things off till a later time or last minute. Procrastination could result in stress, anxiety, loss of productivity, and other health issues. On the flip side some may work better under this pressure, but the chances of that is slim. There are four simple reasons that cause people to procrastinate. The first is that the task seems to be difficult and we naturally tend to sway towards things that are easier to do. Second is that the task is time-consuming and people push it off until they have a large block of time to do it such as the weekends. The third reason is that if a task is tedious and is not due until a later time, people tend to push it off and not remember until last minute. The fourth and final reason is fear, people are afraid of criticism and do not want to receive any thus making people shrink away from their work. This post on procrastination may seem like the perfect example of what I am doing right now, but lets ignore that for now. I am posting this to remind everyone that finals are right around the corner and to not wait until the last minute to start studying. Well as my post on procrastination comes to an end, I wish everyone good luck in finishing their blogger, or maybe I'm the only one left. On that note I am going to proceed with finishing the rest of my blogger and hopefully get some sleep.   


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Haha, I love this post! Although I wouldn't demonize procrastination. Procrastination can be subconscious as well, not necessarily an "oh I'll do this later" but rather "oh it's not due until later" and then they forget about it until someone says "hey have you finished the assignment" and they say "....what assignment?"

  3. In addition, procrastination can be the result of being overwhelmed with different things that all need to be done. In a lot of cases, when I'm faced with 6 huge things that are all due the next day, it's hard for me to focus and go through them one by one, so I would rather do nothing than do all of them.
    Good thing I'm not president - if presidents waited until the last minute to get things done or had trouble keeping track of several important things all at once, I think our nation would fall apart quite quickly... "oh, my term is ending? let me just pass all of this legislation I meant to do earlier oops"

  4. This is a fantastic analysis of the definition and causes of procrastination, but you really should have included a personal anecdote (I know you have them) to make it hit home.

  5. This post is super funny because it's like my life lives on this word, procrastination. Looking back at my high school career so far, there would be many things I would like to fix because I waited last minute. And I always have my parents breathing down my back to tell my to do my work, but still I waited last minute. It would have been neat if you added a personal example. But when you look at the high school soceity, this is becoming bigger and bigger.
