Friday, December 12, 2014

Depression Conspiracy Theory

The Great Depression was a horrible time in American history, and as with any negative event, there are people who turn to ridiculous explanations, such as the theory that Bush orchestrated the 9/11 attacks.  Earlier today I found an article that "explains" the causes of the Great Depression, which I found to be rather interesting.  
According to this article, bankers caused WWI, and after they were finished profiting from that, they wanted more money and control.  They decided to cause an economic depression so that they could buy more of the market, expand the government, and gain more control over the American people.  Apparently, the depression “was a carefully contrived occurrence … The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as rulers of us all.” This conspiracy goes further than just the Great Depression though, as this article blames every single period of recession in the economy on the Federal Reserve banker’s manipulation, with the goal of causing market plunges during which they buy up all that they can.  It appears that these evil bankers will stop at nothing to keep their devious scheme profitable.  In 1963, Kennedy’s executive order 11110 was an attempt to transfer power from the Federal Reserve to the Department of Treasury.  These “evil bankers” are the ones who then had Kennedy killed, in order to maintain their stranglehold on the American economy.  This theory on Kennedy's assassination is actually a fairly well known theory, brought up by Jim Marrs in his book Crossfire.  This article finishes by “proving” their conspiracy by using the television show “Mission Impossible”.  The show has the insignia “IMF” which stands for “Impossible Mission Force”, and is apparently also a reference to the “International Monetary Fund”.  Because the characters on the show were always “tricking leaders out of positions of authority, assassinating somebody, helping people escape, or doing some other dirty deal, all in a war for power”, this proves that the International Monetary Fund is actually secretly profiting from economic boom and bust.  

In the end, the website also appears to support the belief that the Earth is flat.  That should tell us something about the reliability of their “facts”.


  1. Conspiracy theories are always crazy, but after all, you never know.... Conspiracy theories are always interesting, they make you question the world sometimes. If you want to view more...

  2. I love reading conspiracy theories. This is surprisingly not one of the crazier ones I've heard, but amusing nonetheless. I love how you seemed to take it seriously and then added that twist at the end. Thanks for posting this!

    There's actually a lot of conspiracy theories that turned out to be true, too....
