Friday, December 12, 2014

Differentiating the Ro-Ro Bros (Teddy vs. FDR)

Theodore Roosevelt: Republican
  • "the Trust Buster"
  • ensured the safety of food and drugs
  • regulated interstate commerce
  • preservation of land and natural resources
  • Square Deal
    • Conservation of Resources
    • Control of Corporations
    • Consumer Protection
  • did everything possible to help out the individual not the group

Franklin D. Roosevelt: Democrat
  • New Deal
  • 100 days were incredibly productive
  • helped out the working classes with the NLRA and AAA
  • set up Social Security and Federal Deposits
  • helped get jobs for hundreds of people
  • wanted to pack the Supreme Court with his own judges so the 4 horsemen can't overrule him


  1. This post is extremely helpful, but I wanted to add some more info on FDR. Even though he wanted to pack the Supreme Court with his own judges, it was prevented by the bipartisan conservative coalition. This caused blocks on most of his proposals for liberal legislation including the minimum wage act.

  2. Since you added FDR I thought I'd add a bit to Sonja's summary of Teddy. Theodore Roosevelt was known for his big stick diplomacy, famous for the West African Proverb "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." The meaning behind this was the importance of negotiating peaceably, but being willing to back your words with military might. An example of Teddy's big stick diplomacy in action was the Coal Strike of 1902. Instead of sending the military in to put down the strike as other presidents had done in the past, Teddy invited representatives of both the miners and the mine owners to the white house to negotiate. When the miners decided to continue with the strike, Roosevelt decided to use the military (his big stick) to seize the mines, taking profits away from the mine owners, who consented to the miners terms instead.

  3. I think one important note to add comparing the two man is that Theodore was considered to have wanted to establish the "Old World Order" while Franklin wanted to usher the U.S. into the "New World Order." I mean, while Theodore was widely thought of as a progressive due to his conservation and anti-communism actions. But, he stuck more strictly to his Christian faith, which is why he is considered to be the more "old-fashioned" of the two.
