Friday, December 12, 2014

Fun Facts about FDR

1) He was 5th cousins with Theodore Roosevelt. They had the same great great great great grandfather, Nicolas Roosevelt
2) He was related to his own wife. Theodore Roosevelt was Eleanor Roosevelt's uncle, and walked her down the aisle at their wedding.
3) He was the only president to serve 4 terms
4) He was diagnosed with Polio in 1921, but modern researchers believe he was misdiagnosed and actually had Guillain- Barre Syndrome. The disease left him disabled.
5) He was the first president to speak on television
6) He was one of only 8 presidents to die in office. One in only 4 who died of natural causes.
7) He was an avid stamp collector
8) He had a mistress who he loved named Lucy Rutherford, who was Eleanor's social secretary
FDR in wheelchair due to disability

FDR's mistress, Lucy


  1. Something that people didn't know during his term was that FDR was carrying an affair with Lucy and Eleanor, being the strong (yet somewhat helpless to her husband's actions) character she is, forgave Franklin for it, although, she later spoke that she never "forgot it." I believe that Eleanor knew that FDR needed to keep the scandal a secret because his political career and ambitions were considerably more important than his extra-marital affair.

  2. Yeah, after Eleanor found out, she offered to get a divorce with Roosevelt, and Roosevelt probably would have accepted, but because of their situation they were forced to stay together. He soon after broke it off with Lucy.

  3. Another interesting fun fact about Roosevelt was that he wasn't only just related to his fifth cousin (Teddy Roosevelt) but he was also related to eleven other former presidents. These presidents he was related to were John Adams, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S. Grant, Benjamin Harrison and William Howard Taft. He was also reportedly related to several other important historical figures including Winston Churchill, Douglass MacArthur, Jefferson Davis, and Robert E. Lee.
