Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Bar Fight?

Hey everybody!

While searching the web for something to post, I came across this website.  It's not terribly informative, but if you are looking for something to make you laugh, this might be it.  (I would like to say that World War I isn't anything to laugh at.  A lot of people died, and that deserves our respect.  But this explanation is quite amusing.)

Check it out: http://www.tentimesone.com/if-world-war-one-was-a-bar-fight/

:) Enjoy!


  1. Super helpful! Thanks Julia! This explanation is really good for giving an outline that you can later go to the textbook and get details to add on to the skeleton. I think this simplified version is good because it emphasizes the role of alliances in making it a WORLD war, not just a war between two countries. All the stories about WWI being started by a sandwich or whatever are not really accurate, but they serve to say that a big deal was made out of small matters because of the environment and reactions that they produced,

  2. I really like the story :) it's helpful to add in the historical events that correspond to each "look" or "punch," and get a good laugh while doing so. For example, the very beginning when Serbia spills Austria's pint is when extreme Serbian born nationalist Gavril Princip assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian empire. I love that the website reduces it down to a pint of beer being spilled. It helps emphasize just how trivial the catalyst for the war was.

  3. Thanks for posting! One thing I found funny was how they said "America waits till Germany is about to fall over from sustained punching from Britain and France, then walks over and smashes it with a barstool, then pretends it won the fight all by itself." From what I know, America really was key in winning the war for the Allies, but this makes America's entrance seem a lot less important. When the U.S. entered, Britain and France were exhausted and had mutinous armies, so it doesn't seem likely that they could have won the war themselves. If Germany had launched its last offensive attack before America entered, it's more probable that the Allies would have lost. I guess we'll never know for sure...

  4. I really enjoyed this! It actually broke down the war really well. Although it was a little confusing to determine exactly how all the events that took place in this bar are related to the war, it still helped me remember the alliances of all the countries.

  5. That was funny. :) I think the best description was Russia's "brain damage" (I'm assuming that refers to the revolution which commenced during WWI) - it really did do a 360. Germany at the end...it really makes you feel bad for Germany, as the character of the story and also in real life. Winners take all, but the worst part is that Germany gets knocked out and robbed twice in the course of 50 years.
