Monday, November 24, 2014

Antisemitism in the World Exists Strongly in America as Well

Here is a video to add onto Varun's post about the growing antisemitism in Europe. You guys may have seen it already, but if not should definitely check it out.


The video compares peoples reaction towards a supporter of Isis, a new terrorist organization, and a supporter of Israel. Israel is directly linked to Judaism in the world's eyes, so it can be concluded that their reactions towards Israel have something to do with antisemitism (to an extent just because of the recentness of Isis meaning a good amount of people may not be aware of the organization). The video also mentions Hamas, which is also a terrorist organization, residing mainly in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, both being bordered with Israel. The global difference in goals between Hamas and Isis is that Hamas aims mainly against Israel, while Isis wants to spread the Sunni (majority of the Islam) Islam religion throughout the world. Both use terror to accomplish their goals.

Source: Fox News


  1. This is a sad but good example of current events. One thing I would be careful of though is that while many anti-Zionists (anti-Israel) base their hate in antisemitism, many groups don't. Lots of groups are against Israel (especially on the question of the Palestinian people), but aren't necessarily antisemitic. In fact, many ultra-orthodox Jewish sects and groups, like Neturei Karta denounce Israel either for its secularism or its policies.

  2. Yes I didn't mean to generalize so much, but I focused more on explaining the majority. I do agree though that there are many different opinions on the middle east conflict as whole.

    At the same time, many people who are against Israel, realize that the Jews were the ones who caused their problems (usually against the fact that Israel took their land).

    Lastly it is important to note that while Israel did take the land from the Palestinians, they also fought a war later to keep it. This can be related to American history with the Mexican American war and the land America got through the war. This is similar to the situation with Israel, who also took land after a war. The difference is that in Israel, years after, they still receive rockets, and many terrorist attacks from terrorist organizations. The point is that this kind of action isn't seen with America and Mexico today.
