Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Fun Facts About Theodore Roosevelt

I've been looking at multiple sites to find things that although not be completely relevant to his policies, are interesting to know about Theodore Roosevelt and add to the Character that he was as President.

1. Roosevelt was known to go skinny-dipping in the Potomac River during the wintertime
2. President Roosevelt was commonly known by his initials.
3. Roosevelt was the first president to fly in an Airplane made by the Wright Brothers On October 11, 1910. The flight lasted 4 minutes.
4. He was the youngest president, taking office at age 42.
5. ON October 12, 1912, Theodore Roosevelt was shot in the chest by a saloonkeeper. Declining treatment, he gave a full 90 minute speech with blood seeping out of his wound. 
6. A boxing wound left him blind in one eye
7. Roosevelt was the author of 38 books throughout his life.
8. Roosevelt had 2 pets, a snake and a guinea pig.
9. He was brown haired, blue eyed, 5 ft 9 inches and approximately 220 lbs.

I hope this was somewhat interesting to read, and gave a little more insights into the man that made such a big impact as president. If you found anything else in your research that you found interesting, add them to my list!

More Facts:  http://www.republicanpresidents.net/10-interesting-facts-about-theodore-roosevelt/


  1. Thanks for the post Nathan! I found this pretty amusing myself...
    I found a video of Roosevelt's flight here that was released by the Library of Congress Motion Picture. It is audio-less and in black and white, but it's pretty hilarious to see how Roosevelt (reluctantly I might add) decides to go on the airplane. Also, at the end of the video, it says "Bully!" just like Mr. Stewart was saying in class! Thank goodness he explained that that means "good" or else I would have been super confused...

    I also wanted people's thoughts on how being the youngest president in office would have affected Roosevelt and how/if it made a difference on his time in office. Besides just the fact that he might have had more energy, do you think it also made him more rash or less wise than the previous presidents? How did it affect public image of him? Would he have made the same decisions if he wasn't so young? Even at the end of his second term they were saying in the video how he was beginning to complain about fatigue for the first time.

    1. Ooops forgot the video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaFulqGGkwk
      Enjoy :)

  2. I love this! I think the Theodore Roosevelt was such a good president and an amazing person, so I learn learning about everything he's done. I think it's really funny that he used to go skinny dipping all the time in the winter. He's a little bit crazy, but maybe that's why I love him so much!
