Monday, November 10, 2014

Fact and Fiction?

So I was just in a discussion with some adults about Hollywood and History.  To illustrate my argument I went back to the "Lost Cause" discussion we had in USHAP.  The key idea was how if a storyline is compelling enough and supported by enough people it becomes the reality even when people who were present at the described events claim falsehood.  As soon as those people become discouraged then the storyline becomes the reality.  This brings to mind the interesting but absurd storyline "World War I was started by a sandwich."

Back to the point we were discussing the film "Remember the Titans."  If you have seen the movie you might be interested in the many discourses to profit, to debunk, to affirm or the just understand the plain old truth of the events behind the movie.

In general most historical movies suffer from the desire to emphasize certain story lines over actual reality.  Most Hollywood films are made with the intent to make a profit not teach history.  In any case if you are familiar with "Remember the Titans" you might want check out these links to entertain the further exploration of "history."

(hopefully ESPN covers this story better than the Ray Rice debacle)

(yes it is so be aware of any agenda)

(this is a teacher materials site so take it with a grain of salt)

In any case enjoy if you wish.

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