Thursday, May 21, 2015

Ben Carson


Since Sean did a post on the democratic party, I looked into the other party: republican party and found a very interesting candidate. Former Director of Pediatric neurosurgery at John Hopkins, Ben Carson will be one of the republican party candidates for the 2016 presidential election.

Carson received his M.D. from University of Michigan Medical school and did his residency at John Hopkins hospital. He became the youngest major division director at John Hopkins hospital in the field of pediatric neurosurgery at 33. His biggest achievement was being the first surgeon to successfully separate conjoined twins. Both twins survived, and he was regarded as a hero. Carson also refined the hemispherectomy surgery which required the surgeon to take out one of the hemispheres of the brain in order to stop pediatric epilepsy.

In 2008, he was awarded the presidential medal of freedom by George W Bush, and has been a major conservative figure in America.

Political Views
Carson questions the reasons for prolonging life stating that more than half the medical expenses incurred by the average American was in the last six months of their life. He also stated that without prolonging life you have the "dignity of dying in comfort at home". He also insulted Health insurance companies stating that they work for themselves and not the people; he said that the government needs to be more responsible for catastrophic health care. He also is against the Affordable Care Act, and against the legalization of cannabis.



  1. Thanks for the information on Ben Carson Ankith! It's going to be interesting to see who become the republican nominee for president since there are so many people running already. It's interesting that he is against both insurance companies and the Affordable Care Act since they are polar opposites.

    1. I also think that the question of whether or not to prolong a life is a very interesting question. It seems he sees it as a longer life in pain is not a life worth living, and even though he is a doctor, he believes it is better to die in your own home, rather than under care in a hospital.

  2. To clarify on the Affordable Care Act, Carson feels that this act is the "keystone to the establishment of a socialist state." But they are not necessarily polar opposites. He feels that insurance companies are in it for the profits and do not provide enough support to Americans. He probably felt that the ACA didn't allow people to have the freedom to choose their health programs.

  3. Thanks for the post Ankith! Be sure to check out his website! Instead of ACA, he believes that we should support the Health Savings Accounts so that we have more control over our own health care decisions. By getting rid of Obama Care, Americans will be able to save money.
