Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Reptilian Elite

When researching things to about what to write for the blog assignment, I came across a page that outlined the top 25 most popular conspiracy theories, and having just discussed the Kennedy conspiracy I thought it might be appropriate. I decided to pick the one that seemed the most wacko and I think number 23 takes the cake. This one is called the Reptilian Elite. The main outline of the theory is that anyone throughout history who has ever held a position of power is actually an extraterrestrial being trying to enslave the human race. If that isn't the weirdest thing you've heard today you have a very interesting life. Honestly, I'm kind of weirding myself out reading about this, but it just goes to show how insane these things can be. The theory was popularized by former BBC sports writer David Icke who published the book The Biggest Secret in 1998 outlining the theory. The book actually contains two interviews with two people who claim to be royal family members who attest that they are merely reptiles. However, David Icke for a while insisted on being called "Son of God-head" and wore only turquoise for an extended period of time so not only do I question his theory but his sanity as well. He has since written more books on multiple other theories. Hopefully the Annunaki, which is what the reptiles are called, don't read this post and get offended that I don't believe they exist or I might not be in class tomorrow. I honestly didn't know that this was a real conspiracy theory or that things this unbelievable would be read by a large group of people. Anyways if you're interested Icke has an 8 hour world tour that has sold out in many countries, which not only goes over his reptilian theory, but also his on the holographic universe and the pseudo moon matrix. Interesting dude. However as these theories get more and more outrageous, it goes better to show what they truly are good for: entertainment. I find it hard to believe many people are willing to easily believe in an extraterrestrial reptilian race but I do believe that people are willing to listen to it because this guy has a very complex plot in his theory. Anything that is that intricate and can be explained in depth is interesting and altogether I think I might even be entertained by it as well. Also Its kinda fun to see how crazy other people can get, but anyways, I hope this gives y'all a little taste of how incredible these conspiracies can get.



  1. Definitely a far-fetched theory. Great post Nathan! I noticed that the Annunaki has a lot of similarities with the Illuminati; even the names are similar. Since the Illuminati is one of the most well know conspiracy theories out there, I was curious as to whether or not they are connected at all to the Annunaki. Interestingly enough, the main Wikipedia page for the Annunaki only talks about the Mesopotamian deities (conspiracy alert!). I actually found several of sources claiming that the Annunaki and the Illuminati are at war, gasp! Truly shows how deep some of these conspiracy theories run.

  2. Conspiracies always interest me, and if you want more, here is a link to a youtube video that talks about conspiracies in our favorite childhood cartoons!
