Thursday, May 21, 2015

Chris Christie's bill

Being a politician has some pretty good financial benefits, and despite what many say about misrepresentation, that isn't itself entirely a bad thing. Obviously the president has the White House, but all governors and congressmen have a very good income, gained from the taxpayers. Again, while some may complain, it's been a part of the American system for the nation's entire existence for the people to pay their representatives' salaries. Which is why what just came out about Chris Christie is bad.

Christie, the Republican governor of New Jersey, has had his share of controversy. Possibly most famous is the "bridgegate scandal," where he and his subordinates shut down lanes on a major bridge as political revenge against a local politician, causing huge traffic jams. However, what came out a few weeks ago is probably more shocking. Christie a huge football fan, spent over $82,000 dollars of taxpayer money on concessions at MetLife Stadium, where the New York Giants and New York Jets play. Later, the Republican Party reimbursed Christie for the expenses to avoid impropriety.

Many think Christie will declare for the presidential election very soon, but with things like this on his record, it may be hard to convince the American people to get on his side.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this summarized exposition on Christie, Josh! Like Mr. Stewart and many other students have stressed, it's important to pay attention to the upcoming election and its potential candidates. I agree with you in that Christie probably wouldn't have an easy time earning the party nomination considering these scandals. A handful of American taxpayers across the political spectrum resent the amount they have to fork over each year already, and would only dislike a candidate who misuses their hard earned money. Thanks for bringing this to light for us; I'm sure posts like this will go a long way to inform the future voting population.
