Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Stress Quiz

Hi, all! I know we've been talking a lot about stress lately, and I remember taking this quiz last year in health. I thought it might spark some interesting discussion about sources of stress outside of just school. I think a lot of these issues are important to keep in mind as we continue analyzing the intensity of today's academic environment and the overall effect it has on students. If you get a chance to check it out, I think you definitely should.



  1. Thanks for the link to the quiz Annie. I got a score of less than 100 so apparently I have a low chance of contracting an illness caused by stress. The quiz seemed a little too extreme, I think most of the possible events given by the quiz could cause serious stress and there are some things that I experience that stress me out, but I'm sure it wouldn't make the score I got any different. I guess I should start feeling unstressed any minute now...

  2. Thanks for the post, Annie! I took the quiz and I got between 100 and 199, so I have moderate stress but it can be controlled. On the test, something that I found interesting was that being accepted at a college of first choice is a potential stressor on the test. Wouldn't that decrease levels of stress? Also what I found interesting was that stressors with a higher stress number value were things that someone can't control, like the death of a parent or change in acceptance by peers. The lower stressors with a lower stress value were things that we can control such as being involved with drugs and alcohol and failure of a school grade.

  3. Apparently, "You Scored 300+ - Wathc Out". I actually agree with this because oftentimes I feel so overwhelmed and stressed that instead of doing all the things I need to do, I can't do any of them at all. I would like to know what kind of algorithm they use to decide what score each thing should receive. Aside from the (slightly amusing) typo, I found this very interesting and accurate. Thanks a lot for posting this!

  4. I clicked a related article on the same page and found this:
    which I think is interesting for anyone who wants to read about the causes of stress. I know we've already done a lot of reading of various articles, and some people become more stressed reading about how bad stressed is, but I just thought this was interesting for curious individuals like myself who wanted to learn more about their stress and how to combat it. Enjoy!

  5. Wow, that was a cool quiz. I really liked the rankings of different events, and it really made me feel like I'm stressing about things that do not matter as much as losing a parent or having a pregnancy. I scored 200-299, which I was expecting to get. I looked around to find another similar quiz, but a lot of them are geared either towards adults or were not as relevant as this one. One I took on was geared towards how organized you are rather than how stressed you are. I argue that someone can be very organized, but still be very stressed. Overall, great find!

  6. Loved the post Annie :D Like Johnny, I was also interested in why being accepted into the college of your choice would cause an increase in stress rather than a decrease. Maybe it's because people feel more pressured to do well in the college of their dream for some reason? However, I feel like for almost all events in life, there might be events that might be extremely stressful for one person, but another person may feel completely indifferent towards. I scored between 200-299 because I've been hospitalized, but I don't really feel all that stressed because my teachers have been offering me extensions and helping me recover.

  7. This was on an interesting scale. It seemed like it was based off of what that article regarded as things that might cause chronic stress, rather than that which might cause acute stress. Apparently I might be in danger of becoming sick from my stress which doesn't surprise me terribly. But somehow it is morbidly comforting to go through the list and realize all of the things that I am not dealing with but could be dealing with. Some of the stressers do seem positive rather than negative though, like a decrease in parents fighting... but perhaps they are measuring based on what your parents fighting less means: that your parents were fighting more before and that you're going through a transition. This is similar to the college acceptance thing, where you would have had to work really hard to get into that college in the past year.

  8. This was on an interesting scale. It seemed like it was based off of what that article regarded as things that might cause chronic stress, rather than that which might cause acute stress. Apparently I might be in danger of becoming sick from my stress which doesn't surprise me terribly. But somehow it is morbidly comforting to go through the list and realize all of the things that I am not dealing with but could be dealing with. Some of the stressers do seem positive rather than negative though, like a decrease in parents fighting... but perhaps they are measuring based on what your parents fighting less means: that your parents were fighting more before and that you're going through a transition. This is similar to the college acceptance thing, where you would have had to work really hard to get into that college in the past year.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This quiz was not what I was expecting. I clicked on it and immediately saw unwed pregnancy and death of parent. Yikes. I was expecting a quiz that asked questions like "how often do you stay up past 1am stressing about schoolwork" not about such intense teen stressors. I was shocked to receive my score
    "You Scored 300+ - Wathc Out
    ... But don't be frightened. You have taken the first step. You are on your way to a less stressful life. is dedicated to provide you with the best help and support possible!
    well I wasn't frightened, and I don't consider myself stressed at all really, so I found this quiz really interesting but not very accurate for me.

  11. I had a similar reaction to Jessica did. After taking the quiz I felt like it did not reflect the amount of stress that I actually encounter daily. Still an interesting post though.
