Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy

After watching the video and reading the article about the Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy in class, I have been really curious about what everyone else thinks happened. To me, it seems unlikely that there was just one shooter since there were so many witnesses that said they saw smoke in the Grassy Knoll. Also, the theory that it was one bullet that hit both the president and the governor seems very improbable since they both had to be sitting in the perfect position in order to have the bullet hit them exactly where it did. But at the same time, the fact that they didn't ever find a second shooter or did not get any real evidence of a second shooter seems very conspicuous to me. So, I am very unsure about what happened,and I would love it if you guys gave me some input about your ideas! What do you guys think happened????


  1. I'm also still unconvinced of what really happened. I definitely agree with you that it seems unlikely for the men to be sitting in those exact positions at that exact time. However, it's really impossible to know what happened without proper assessment of the bodies. One thing that really shocked me to learn was the convoluted hospital situations. I would like to believe that American hospitals treat all patients with the professional care that they rightfully deserve. However, when not even the president is being treated by qualified doctors, it makes me really wonder how often mistakes like this happen.

  2. I agree that it seems improbable that there was only one bullet. It seems very suspicious that the bullet was able to go through two people and remain in good condition. For the damage that was done to the governor's bones, it is likely that the bullet would be damaged. Also, I agree that the governor and president would have to in perfect position for the bullet to hit them both. The bullet would have to curve just the right amount. For there to only be one bullet there would have to be a lot of luck involved.

  3. Theres a lot in question in this case. For example what i noticed when watching the video was the severe lack of bodyguards or agents protecting the president. Surely there should have been many around and near the president. And the fact that the shooter was shot puts questions up. There is so much that makes it seem like a conspiracy, but if there was someone did an excellent job of covering up. It is my opinion that if there was a conspiracy then something would turn up eventually. And if it doesn't, the fact of the matter was that the president was assassinated and no matter what the cause was, that cannot be rectified.

  4. I definitely think there is more to the assassination investigation that has not been uncovered. I agree with Kim about the improbability that the bullet which hit the governor and president would remain in perfect condition. Especially when the man stated he found the bullet in the gurney which the president was not even in! The fact that the court, doctors, and investigators ignored some details which I thought were imperative to the case is kind of alarming. In addition when they had the ameteur analyze the president's body I was extremely shocked that they would allow an individual new to the business to handle such a delicate and vital case! I definitely think there is a possible conspiracy going on since there are so many holes and questions left unanswered or ignored in this assassination.
