Thursday, May 7, 2015


Hey everyone, I know that some people were wondering about the new DBQ requirements, so I found the rubric.

For the 2015 exam, the DBQ is a total of 7 points and the rubric goes like this:

Thesis (1 point)
1. Clear thesis that directly answers all parts of the question. Does more than re-state.

Documents (3 points)
2. USES the majority of the documents
3. ANALYSIS & POV for majority of the documents
4. ANALYSIS & POV for all (or all but one) of the documents

Evidence and Context (2 points)
5. Analysis of HISTORICAL EXAMPLES outside the docs to support thesis
6. Connects historical to broader historical events and/or processes (Accurate / Relevant / Explicit)

Synthesis (1 point)
7. Appropriately extends or modifies stated thesis or argument OR Effectively accounts for disparities in the documents OR makes valid comparisons to other historical periods, geographical areas, etc

Here's the link to the rubric: file:///home/chronos/u-a2ee015f3dd6f1aae17e6e8e6e54dae93e9c072b/Downloads/2015_DBQ_Rubric%20(1).pdf


  1. Thanks Kim! This is super helpful to know. Just to add onto the synthesis part, it is super important to try and make connections between the sources and explain opposing and similar POV's between the documents as well rather than simply saying what each doc is saying. This will separate the good from the great DBQ's. Good Luck!

  2. Thank you so much, Kim! I was wondering how the new DBQ would be graded. I think this is common sense, but I just want to remind everyone that you have to remember to answer what the prompt is asking. Like Mr. Stewart said, you could write a great essay and do all of those things above, but if you can't answer what the prompt is asking, then you are not going to get a good score. So just remember to answer the prompt
