Monday, May 11, 2015

Zimmerman Shooting

As I'm sure many of you are aware, there was a court case in 2013 known as Florida v. George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was accused of second degree murder for the death of Trayvon Martin, but was acquitted, or sentenced "not-guilty".

Just last year, there was an incident with Zimmerman and a man named Apperson. Apperson claimed that Zimmerman threatened him and he called the police. Although Apperson did not press charges against Zimmerman, the police did investigate their relationship.

This background information now leads us to the current event that just occurred today. When George Zimmerman was stopped at a traffic light, a car behind him began honking and flashing his lights at him. Zimmerman rolled down his window, and recognized Apperson as the person in the other car. As soon as he recognized this man, Apperson shot at him and barely missed his head. There is a investigation going on that will soon reveal more information about this incident.

When I came across this information, I was very alarmed. I had heard about the case involving Zimmerman in the past, and I was confused as to why his name appeared on the headlines today. As I could tell from two different articles that I read, Zimmerman did nothing to entice Apperson to shoot at him today. This makes me question exactly what Apperson's motives were.

Besides for just personal interest, one reason that I really wanted to post about this shooting today was because just today in class, we analyzed the assassination of JFK. I thought this was such a coincidence that all this happened just after we began talking about conspiracies and shootings. Maybe this event will turn into a possible conspiracy as well!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting connection! Could it be possible it had to do with gangs or illegal enterprises? My parents work in law enforcement and deal with this sort of thing all the time. It's crazy how things that we would see as miniscule such as merely bumping into someone could set off those involved in gangs to the point of an all out brawl. I wonder what evidence the court and investigators will come up with, I always do enjoy a good conspiracy theory! :)
