Monday, May 11, 2015

A Day in History: April 11th

Did you know that on this exact day (April 11th) in 1899 the Treaty of Paris was ratified? I always find it fascinating to discover that such life changing events occurred on a single day. The Treaty of Paris changed the lives and futures of Puerto Rico for the rest of history, and that historic accomplishment happened today. Remembering past events such as the Fourth of July helps connect us to our past, and encourages me to take each day as history in the making. This philosophy can be seen in the writings of Anne Frank: “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”  I thought that I would just share this little bit of encouragement today, that every day holds an opportunity and it is up to each one of us as to whether we are going to make the most of it. Have a great day and I hope this fuels you with some inspiration!


  1. Thank you for the post, Sienna! I just wanted to add that the key issue in the ratification of the Treaty of 1899 was imperialism because with the Treaty, the US acquired Puerto Rico, Guam, Cuba, and the Philippines. Many people objected on moral grounds to the idea of the US wielding power over a far away colony and cited the Constitution as a legal reason: it didn't give the US government the power to pass laws on colonial people who had no representation in Congress. Others vigorously championed the treaty as a way for the US to become a world power and spread the light of its Christian civilization. Though the treaty was eventually ratified with a 57-27 vote, it opened up the debate on the US's role as an imperialist power and would eventually lead the US into further conflicts in the Philippines and Cuba.

  2. Thanks for the post! Another little fun fact about this day: on this day in 1976, the very first Apple computer was made called Apple 1. It actually wasn't that long ago and just goes to show how far our world has come with the introduction of new technology (such as Apple electronics) that would eventually change the world and the way in which we do every little thing.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is very interesting! I love learning about the history that occurred each day! I found this website:, that tells historical facts that occurred each day. For example, on May 12th in 1949 the Berlin Blockade ended, and on May 12th in 1780 in Charleston, South Carolina falls to British forces. You can check back on this website everyday to see what cool things happened in history on that day!
